- Taught various Mathematics courses such as Functional Analysis, Functional Analysis and Applications, Operator Theory, Operator Algebra, Abstract Harmonic Analysis in M. Phil. and Ph.D. level.
- Taught various Mathematics courses such as Functional Analysis, Real Analysis, Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Integral Transforms, Complex variables and Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis in M.Sc. level
- Teaching various mathematics courses such as Algebra, Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, and Vector Calculus in under graduate level.
- Supervision of M. Phil./Ph.D. Dissertation/Thesis of Students of Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University and M.Sc. Dissertation of Students at Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University.
- Taught Engineering mathematics in BE(civil), BE(electronics), BE(computer) in Cosmos Engineering College, Sagarmatha Engineering College.
- Taught mathematics in BBA and BCA in various colleges in Kathmandu
- Taught +2 level mathematics in various colleges in Mahendranagar and Kathmandu
- Chairman, Central Department of Mathematics Research Committee, Feb 07,2024 onwards
- Chairman, Central Department of Mathematics Subject Committee, Feb 07,2024 onwards
- Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance for Accreditations committee (IQAAC), Central Department of Mathematics, TU
- Senate Member of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST): As President of Nepal Mathematical Society, 2078-2080.
- Member, Outreach member of Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Member, NAST - Professional Society Collaboration Coordination Committee,
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal - Advisor, CDM Student Math Council
- Member, Mathematics Subject Committee, Institute of science and Technology, TU
- Member, Scientific Mathematical Science sub-committee, National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
- Advisor, Mathematical Science Trust
- Advisor, Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Kathmandu University
- Editor in Chief of Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society, 2018-2021
- Editor, Nepal Journal of Mathematical Science
- Editorial Board: Gandaki Journal of Mathematics, Pokhara
- Member of Research Committee of Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), TU.
- Member of Mathematics Subject Committee, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
- Member of Central Department Research Committee of Mathematics.
- Coordinator, MA/M.Sc. Curriculum development of Mathematics, Far Western University, Nepal.
- Coordinator, B.Sc./B.A Curriculum development of Mathematics ,Far Western University, Nepal.
- Coordinator, Curriculum development of B.A Mathematics, Mid-Western University, Nepal.
- Coordinator, B.E Civil Engineering Curriculum development of Mathematics, Far Western University, Nepal.
- Advisory Board member, NeMSA publication committee, a publication of Master Level Students studying at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur.
- Editor, Yeti Journal of Mathematics, Journal published by Department of Mathematics, P.N. Campus, Pokhara.
- Editor, Proceeding of National conference of Mathematics (NCM-2011)
- Editorial Assistant, The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, Journal Published by Central Department of Mathematics.
- Editor, Proceeding of National conference of Mathematics (NCM-2012)
- Advisor, SMART Vision Journal, Statistical and Mathematical Association for Research and Training, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Birgunj.
- Member, Five years strategic plan preparation committee of Institute of Science and Technology, T.U.
- Member, Steering Committee of Scientific Communication, Four years B.SC course, IOST, TU.
- Member, Steering Committee, IRLASP project funded by UGC, Nepal in the Central Departments, TU.
- Member, to conduct seminar on the occasion of National Science Day jointly organized by Ministry of Science and Technology and Institute of Science and Technology on Ashwin 1-2, 2070.
- Coordinator, Task force to prepare formats for Ph.D. thesis and related documents by IOST, TU.
- Coordinator, Task force to prepare a report how the uniformity can be maintained in 3 Years BA and 4 Years B.Sc. Mathematics course, IOST, TU.
- Member, Mini-research committee formed under IOST, TU.
- Editorial Board, Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) Newsletter, 2010- 2012.
- Coordinator, a task force made by Institute of Science and Technology to make uniformity in existing annual/ semester system in Master Degree in Microbiology and Mathematics.
- Member, A subcommittee formed by National Academy of Science and Technology to conduct a “Summer School on Algebraic Geometry “.
- Coordinator, Four Years B.Sc. courses orientation program conducted by IOST in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Editor, A Research Journal in Mathematics, Volume 1 and No.1, 2014 Department of Mathematics, P.G. Campus, Biratnagar
- Member, Local organizing committee, International School / workshop in Space Science and Technology Organized Jointly by B.P. Planetarium and Observatory Centre, Ministry of Science and Technology and Institute of Science and Technology, TU, July 8-14, 2014.
- Coordinator, A task force made by institute of Science and Technology to study the possibility of establishing separate Central Department / School of Material Science in IOST, TU.
- Member, a committee formed by Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) for awarding grants to the Master Level thesis students as MOU signed between Tribhuvan University and Chinese Academy of Science, Kathmandu center.
- Member, A committee formed by Institute of Science and Technology TU to select the research scholar for short term visits in National Institute of Material Science (Japan).
- Editorial Board, The Journal of Nepali Mathematical Sciences report.
- Coordinator, a committee formed by Institute of Science and Technology to make uniformity in remuneration in master thesis under Central Departments.
- Member, A Committee formed by Institute of Science and Technology, TU to update the correct information and effective implementation of MOU between various Universities, Institutions, and Organizations.
- Expert, to select a teaching assistant (Contract) in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University in 2012.
- Expert, Interview Board, to select lecturer of mathematics in Birendra Sainik Campus, Sallaghari, Bhaktapur in 2014.
- Expert, Interview Board to select lecturer of mathematics in Far Western University, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur in 2015.
- Expert, Interview Board, to select the Professor in mathematics education in Tribhuvan University in 2015.
- Member, to study the present situation of the Bachelor course “Nutrition and Diatec “running in Central Campus of Technology, Dharan and recommend academic and administrative manpower to the University, A committee formed by Registrar of Tribhuvan University.
- Member, A committee formed by Curriculum Development Centre, Education Ministry to select a student in Talent Hunt program in Mathematics as the capacity of perjury member on 31’st May, 2016.
- Editor, Pragya Darshan, Multidisciplinary Journal Published by Democratic Professor Association of Nepal, University Campus Unit, Kirtipur.
- Expert, Interview committee, to select Assistant Professor of Mathematics, School of Natural Science, Kathmandu University
- Expert, Interview committee to select Lecturers/ Readers/ Professors in Nepal Sanskrit University and Pokhara University.
- Technical Expert, pre-defense of Ph.D. thesis of mathematics at Nepal Sanskrit University
- External Expert, to conduct viva-voce of Ph.D. in mathematics at Nepal Sanskrit University, Kathmandu University.