Academic Qualifications
2005: Ph. D. (Mathematics). Department of Mathematics, University Of Delhi, India. Title of Ph. D. Thesis: Behavior of Functions and Their Fourier Transform (Harmonic Analysis). Academic Supervisor: Prof. Ajay Kumar, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, India.
1994: M.Sc. (Mathematics); First Division. Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
1989: B.Sc. (Physical Group); First Division with Distinction. H.P.T Arts and R.Y.K. Science College Nasik, Maharashtra, University of Poona, India.
1986: I. Sc. (Physical Group); First Division. H.P.T. Arts and R.Y.K science College, Nasik, Higher Secondary Board, Pune (1986), India.
1985: S.L.C.; First Division with District Top. His Majesty Government of Nepal SLC Board, Sahastraling Madhamik Vidhayala, Chamada Dadeldhura, Nepal.
Working Experiences
- Head of the Department of Master Degree in Mathematics, Siddhanath Science Campus, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur from 1999-2000.
- Teaching various Mathematics courses such as Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and Abstract Harmonic Analysis in M. Phil. and Ph.D. level.
- Teaching various Mathematics courses such as Functional Analysis, Real Analysis, Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Integral Transforms, Complex variables and Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis in M.Sc. level
- Teaching various mathematics courses such as Algebra, Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, and Vector Calculus in graduate level and under graduate level.
- Supervision of M.Phil./Ph.D. Dissertation/Thesis of Students of Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University and M.Sc. Dissertation of Students at Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University.
Computer Skill: Microsoft word, Power Point, Latex, Email and internet
Country Visited: Spain, Switzerland, South Korea, China and India