Chet Raj Bhatta
Copyright © 2025
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- Publications
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, HH-Inequality for Harmonically Convex Function via Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integrals Communicated to “Journal of Fractional Differential Calculus”(Croatia) , 2023, (Accepted)
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, q- hermite- HadamardInequalities for the Products on Extended Geometric Convex Functions, 2023, Submitted to “Bulletin of Allahabad Mathematical Society”(India), 2023, (Accepted)
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, Hermite – Hadamard inequality for m- harmonically Convex function “Poincare Journal of Analysis and Applications”,2022, (Communicated)
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, Generalized Convexities: Hermite-Hadamard Inqualities and their Quantum Estimates, Submitted to “The Journal of Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report”(Nepal), 2023 (Communicated)
- Raghu Bir Bhatta, Samir Shrestha and Chet Raj Bhatta, Mathematical Modeling of Transmission Dynamics of Communicable Diseases With Yoga as Control Strategy, (Under preparation)
- Parshu Ram Chaudhary, Dinesh Panthi and Chet Raj Bhatta, (20230 Roll’s Theorem and Its Applications in Tharu’s Traditional House,International Journal of Physics and Mathematics (India), 5(2): 13-17 ;
- Parshu Ram Chaudhary, Dinesh Panthi and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2023) Ethnomathematics: Geometry and architecture of the Tharu’s traditional houses at Chakhoura museum, J. Math. Prob. Equations Stat.(India),4(2), 9-23,DOI:
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2023) Hermite - Hadamard Inequality whose first order q-derivative are m-convex functions, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences(India), vol. 22, Issue, September 2023,2171-2188,Mili Publications.
- Chudamani Pokharel, Pushpa N Gautam, Samundra Timelsina, Chet Raj Bhatta and jeevan kafle,(2022) Analysis of Flow Parameters in Blood Flow Through Mild Stenosis, Nepalese Journal of Zoology (Nepal) (2022), Volume 6, 39-44, DOI:
- Dev Raj Joshi and Piyush Kumar Tripathi and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2021) Unique Fixed-Point Theorems on Some New Types of Cyclic Contraction in Complete Metric Space, Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society (JNMS)(Nepal),15-20, Vol.4, Issue 2(2021),DOI:
- Kumar Subedi, Dinesh Panthi, Kanhaiya Jha and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2021) Role and Importance of STHIRA BINDU (FIXED POINT) in Yoga Philosophy, International Journal of Research –Granthaalayah(India), Vol. 9, Issue-6, June 6, 311-329.
- Suresh Bhatta, Chet Raj Bhatta, 2022) q-Analogue of Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for s-Convex Functions in the Breckner Sense, Journal of Bhuwanishankar (JoBS) A Peer Reviewed Research Journal ISSN: 2961-1938 (Print), 2961-1946 (Online),vol. 01, N0. 01
- Suresh Bhatta, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2021) q-analogue of Holders and Makowski’s Integral Inequalities on Finite Intervals and Generalizations, Journal of Advanced College of Engineering & management(Nepal) Vol. 6.,235-243.
- Samvhu Jha, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2022) A survey on Gruss-Type inequalities by means of Generalized Fractional Integral, Journal of Advanced College of engineering and Mathematics(Nepal), 7(01): 157-163,DOI:10.3126/jacem.v7i01.473
- Pitambar Tiwari, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2020) A review on Basics of Quantum Calculus in Mathematical Sciences, Gandaki Journal of Mathematics(Nepal), Vol. 1, 74-84.
- Dipak Kaphle, Dinesh Panthi and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2020) Immigration of Foreigners, World Environment and the Nepal Context, Open Journal of Social Science(India),106-116.
- Jivandhar Jnawali, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2018) Two Higher Order Iterative Methods for Solving Non-Linear Equations, Journal of the Institute of Engineering(Nepal),14(1), 179-187
- V. Shamuyarira and K. Arjunan and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2017) Level subset of bipolar Valued Fuzzy Subrings of a Semiring, Elixir Adv.Math.(India),110,48420-48428.
- Pankaj Jain, Chet Raj Bhatta and Jivandhar Jnawali,(2016) Newton type Iterative Method with High Efficiency, Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory (Romania), 45, 14-26.
- Pankaj Jain, Chet Raj Bhatta and Jivandhar Jnawali, (2015) Modified Newton Type Methods with Higher Order Convergence, Jordan journal of Mathematics and Statistics, JJMS(Jordan), 8(4), 327-341.
- Jivandhar Jnawali, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2016) Iterative Methods for solving Non-linear equations of Fourth-order convergence, Tribhuvan University Journal(Nepal), XXX (2), 65-72.
- Jivandhar Jnawali, Chet Raj Bhatta, (2016) A new variant of Newton’s type method with Fourth order convergence, Journal of Institute of Science and Technology(Nepal), TU, 21, 86-89.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2012) A Study on Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie groups of dimensions 3,4 and 5,Perspectives on Higher Education Journal of University Campus, Vol-7,64-66.
- A study on some Tauberian Theorems, Journal of Academia, vol. 1, 2011, 101 – 103.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2011) An Uncertainty Principle like Hardy’s Theorem for Nilpotent Lie group Gn, the Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, Vol .31, No. 1 & 2, 1 – 6.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2011) Parseval’s Identity for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie groups G3, Himalayan Scientific Journal Vo. l 4, Oct, 73 – 75.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Weiner –TauberianTheorem of Symmetric Weight function on Locally Compact Group, Himalayan Scientific Journal, Vol 3, 43 – 46.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2011) A Study of Holders Inequality in New Spaces, Journal of The Institute of Engineering, Vol 8, No. 1 & 2, 259 – 262.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Wiener Tauberian Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Group. The Nepali Math Sc-report, Vol 30, no 1 and 2, 9 – 15.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Hardy Uncertainty Principle for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups G4(III), Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, March, 89 – 95.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Cowling Price Theorem for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups, Tribhuvan University Journal, Vol 27, No. 1 & 2, Dec, 49 – 52.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Hardy Theorem and its Applications in Laplace Transform Pair, Journal of the University Campus, Vol 4 & 5, 25 – 35.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Uniform Version of Wieners General Tuberian Theorems, SCITECH Nepal Vol. 12. No. 3, 45 – 50, 2010.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Application of Laplace Transform pair, Perspectives on Higher Education, Journal of the University Campus, Vol. 4 and 5, 25 – 35.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2010) Cowling Price theorem for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups G4 (II), Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Vol 16, 130 – 134.
- Chet raj Bhatta, (2009) Parseval's Identity for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups, G5, 1, G5, 12, G5, 3, and G5, 5, Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol 6, No. 1, January, 22 – 29.
- Chet Raj Bhatta,(2009) Hardy Uncertainty Principle for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups G4, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 10, 155 – 159.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2009) Parseval’s Identity for Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lei Groups G5,6
G6, 15. The Nepali Math Sc. Report volume 29, No1 and 2, 13 – 20.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2008) Uniform Version of Wiener – Tauberian Theorem for Wiener – Algebra on a Real Line, The Nepali Math’s Sc. Report, vol. 26, No 1 and 2. (Dec), 41 – 48.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2007) Uniform Version of Wiener Tauberian Theorem for Wiener Algebra, The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, 27, no1 and 2.11-16.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2006) Uniform Version of Wiener Tauberian Theorem for Equicontineous subsets of subspace of L1(X, µ), The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, vol. 26, no.1 and 2, 19-26.
- Chet Raj Bhatta,(2005) Hardy Uncertainty Principle for R+ = [0, ∞], The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, 24 no.1, 1-4.
- Chet Raj Bhatta,(2005) Hardy Theorem for Arbitrary Metrizable Locally Compact Abelian Group, The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, 25,no-2,13-16.
- Ajay Kumar and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2003) Uniform version of Wiener Tauberian theorem, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2,63-71(India) Mathematical Reviews 2005h:43006 Zentralblatt fur Mathematik 1079.43006.
- Ajay Kumar and Chet Raj Bhatta, (2004) An Uncertainty Principle like Hardy’s theorem for nilpotent Lie groups. Journal of Australian Math. Soc. 77, 47-53 (Australia) ISSN 1446-7887.Mathematical Reviews 2005f:43005 Zentralblatt fur Mathematik 1066.22006.
- Chet Raj Bhatta, (2004) Uniform Version of Wiener Tauberian Theorem for Real line. The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report (Nepal) 23, no-2, 9-15, 42A38, MR2159946 (2006b:42012.)